After a strenuous and wet bike ride into the Nation's capital, I happened to stumble across a Tea Party gathering at the Washington Monument. This was a turning point in my path in this world. I was in the dark, and now I am in the light. Before I continue, it must be known that I am joining this revolutionary movement; to do any less would be a shame to my lord and savior.
Unlike the vast majority of the population, which thrives on Barack-style communism through taxes, and believes that there are fifty states (we are currently completing Cortes' unfinished conquest of Mexico, so we can have 58 states). America still has not completed her Manifest Destiny; from sea to shining sea means Alaska to Tierra del Fuego.
You Are Paying Your Taxes to a Muslim
Contrary to popular belief, your president does not go to Church. In fact, he's not even an American. With a middle name like Hussein, he clearly was in contact with Saddam before we turned Iraq into the 57th state of our fine Union. How else did Saddam hide out for so long during the occupation? Muslimism is a plague to our country, a Christian nation. Everyone knows that no Christian is that dark. Jesus Christ wouldn't have it any other way.

If we don't have the second coming before 2012, my vote lies with my baby girl Sarah Palin.
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